Prof. Dr. Frederike Hanke
Topic of research:
All kinds of aspects of vision - including the adaptation of the visual system to the amphibious lifestyle up to polarization vision, visual orientation and cognition as well as visual neuroanatomy - in seals and cephalopods
Dr. Tamara Heinrich
Sense of time, orientation and navigation etc
Kathalina Viktoria Raabe, M. Sc.
Topic of PhD project:
Multisensory perception
Laura-Marie Sandow, M. Sc.
Topic of PhD project:
Visual basics and perception
Julia Schnermann, M. Sc.
Topic of PhD project:
Strustural analysis of the visual system of seals
Dr. Kenneth Sørensen
fMRI, EEG in harbor seals, vision in penguins and fish, vocalizations of sea lions etc
Kathleen Dörnbrack (Master thesis)
Annika Lau (State exam thesis)