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MORGENTHAL K., KRÜGER Y., ROGERS T., DEHNHARDT G., HANKE F.D. (in press). Characterization of pinniped vibrissal type and number. Marine Mammal Science
HOPPE M., SPRATTE C., HANKE F.D., SÖRENSEN K. (2024). Single target acuity for moving targets in the common sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). Biology Open 13(6):bio060455
SANDOW L.-M., HANKE F.D. (2024). Aerial single target acuity in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) for stationary and moving targets of varying contrasts. Vision Research 218:108389
HANKE F.D., MOONEY A., JANIK V. (2024). Sensory physiology in dolphins. In: Hooker S., Feldmann A. (Eds.) The physiology of dolphins. Elsevier, 193-215
SÖRENSEN K., HANKE F.D. (2023). Vision and touch. In: Castellini, Melish (Eds.) Physiology of marine mammals - adaptations to the ocean. Taylor & Francis Group, Boca Raton, FL, USA, 137-156
DE VREESE S., SÖRENSEN K., BIOLSI K., FASIK J.I., REIDENBERG J.S., HANKE F.D. (2023). Open questions in marine mammal sensory research. Biology Open 12:bio059904 (Access online)
MAASS E., PFUHL G., MIERSCH L., HANKE F.D. (2022). A harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) can learn geometrical relations between landmarks. Journal of Experimental Biology 225(24):jeb244544 doi: 10.1242/jeb.244544
HANKE F.D., BIOLSI K.L., HARLEY H.E. (2022). Marine mammal cognition - the strength of flexibility in adapting to marine life. Animal Cognition 25(5):1015-1018 doi: 10.1007/s10071-022-01681-x (Special issue "Marine mammal cognition", Access online)
Special issue: "Cognition in marine mammals: the strength of flexibility in adapting to marine life"
NIESTEROK B., MARTN S., HILDEBRANDT L., DEHNHARDT G., HANKE F.D. (2022). Well-developed spatial reversal learning abilities in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Animal Cognition 25(5):1195-1206 doi:10.1007/s10071-022-01651-3 (Special issue “Marine mammal cognition”, Access online)
ERDSACK N., DEHNHARDT G., HANKE F.D. (2022). Serial visual reversal learning in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Animal Cognition 25(5):1183-1193 doi:10.1007/s10071-022-01653-1(Special issue “Marine mammal cognition”, Access online)
HANKE F.D., REICHMUTH C. (2022). Phocid sensory systems and cognition. In: D. Costa, E. McHuron (Eds.) Ethology and behavioral ecology of earless or true seals. Springer, Cham, 31-68
MAASS E., HANKE F.D. (2022). How harbor seals encode goals relative to landmarks. Journal of Experimental Biology 225(5):243870 doi:10.1242/jeb.243870 (Access online)
REIDENBERG J., HANKE F.D. (2022). Marine mammal sensory systems: special issue overview. The Anatomical Record 305(3): 509-513 (Special issue “Sensory systems of marine mammals”, Access online)
Special issue: "Sensory systems of marine mammals"
ELDRIDGE S.A., MORTAZAVI F., KETTEN D.R., RICE F.L., WILEY D.N., LYMAN E., REIDENBERG J., HANKE F.D., DeVREESE S., McKAY STROBEL S., ROSENE D. (2022). Specialization of somatosensory innervation in the skin of humpback whales (Megaptera novaeangliae). The Anatomical Record 305(3): 514-534 (Special issue “Sensory systems of marine mammals”, Access online)
SPRATTE C., SANDOW L.-M., SCHNERMANN J.S., HANKE F.D. (2021). Single target acuity in the common sunfish (Lepomis gibbosus). Journal of Experimental Biology 224(20):jeb243068
HANKE F.D., CHIAO C.-C., & OSORIO D. (2021). Editorial: Vision in cephalopods II. Frontiers in Physiology 7:731780 (Editorial for Research Topic "Vision in cephalopods II", Access online)
Research topic: "Vision in cephalopods II"
HANKE F.D., REICHMUTH C., & COOK P. (2021). The sensory world of otariids. In: C. Campagna, R. Harcourt (Eds.) Ethology and behavioral ecology of otariids and the odobenid. Springer, Cham, 305-321
COOK P., REICHMUTH C., & HANKE F.D. (2021). The mind of a sea lion. In: C. Campagna, R. Harcourt (Eds.) Ethology and behavioral ecology of otariids and the odobenid. Springer, Cham, 323-345
HEINRICH T., LAPPE A. & HANKE F.D. (2021). Beyond the classic sensory systems: Characteristics of the sense of time in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) assessed in a visual temporal discrimination and a bisection task. The Anatomical Record 305(3): 704-714 (Special issue "Sensory systems in marine mammals", Access online)
BUBLITZ A., DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE F.D. (2021). Reversal of a spatial task in the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 15:614523 (Research Topic "Modern methods in neuroethology", Access online)
MAASS E. & HANKE F.D. (2021). Distance estimation in reproduction tasks in a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). Water 13:938 (Special issue "Marine species on the move", Access online)
SOTO C., KELBER A. & HANKE F.D. (2020). The pupillary response of the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Frontiers in Physiology (Access online)
DE SIO F., HANKE F.D., WARNKE K., MARAZIA C., GALLIGIONI V., FIORITO G., STRAVIDOU I. & PONTE G. (2020). E pluribus Octo - Building consensus on standards of care and experimentation in cephalopod research: a historical outlook. Frontiers in Physiology 11:645 (Access online)
HEINRICH T., RAVIGNANI A. & HANKE F.D. (2020). Visual timing abilities of a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) and a South African fur seal (Arctocephalus pusillus pusillus) for sub- and supra-second time intervals. Animal Cognition (Access online)
HANKE F.D. & KELBER A. (2020). The eye of the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris). Frontiers in Physiology 10:1637
HANKE F.D. & DEHNHARDT G. (2018). On route with harbor seals - how their senses contribute to orientation, navigation, and foraging. Neuroforum 24(4):1-15
HANKE F.D., & OSORIO D. (2018). Editorial: Vision in cephalopods. Frontiers in Physiology 9:18
Research topic: "Vision in cephalopods"
GEURTEN B.R.H, NIESTEROK B., DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE F.D. (2017). Saccadic movement strategy in an aquatic species - the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). Journal of Experimental Biology 220:1503-1508
BUBLITZ A., WEINHOLD S.R., STROBEL S., DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE F.D. (2017). Reconsideration of serial visual reversal learning in the common octopus (Octopus vulgaris) from a methodological perspective. Frontiers in Physiology 8:54
DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE F.D. (2017). Whiskers. In: Thewissen, H. (Ed.) Encyclopedia of Marine Mammals. 1074-1077
HELMER D., GEURTEN B.R.H., DEHNHARDT G.& HANKE F.D. (2017). Saccadic movement strategy in common cuttlefish (Sepia officinalis). Frontiers in Physiology 7:660
HEINRICH T., DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE F.D. (2016). Harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) are able to time precisely. Animal Cognition 19(6):1133-1142 doi:10.1007/s10071-016-1020-3
Scientific American: The remarkable timing of seals
RAVIGNANI A., FITCH W.T., HANKE F.D., HEINRICH T., HURGUTISCH B., KOTZ S.A., SCHARFF C., STOEGER A.S. & DE BOER B. (2016). What pinnipeds have to say about human music, speech and evolution of rhythm. Frontiers in Neuroscience
WOHLERT D., KRÜGER J., WITT M., SCHMITT O., WREE A., CZECH-DAMAL N., SIEBERT U., FOLKOW L. & HANKE F.D. (2016). Comparative morphometric analysis of three cranial nerves in two phocid seals: the hooded seal (Cystophora cristata) and the harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). The Anatomical Record 299(3):370-378
HANKE F.D. & Dehnhardt G. (2016). Visual and hydrodynamic flow perception (Chapter 13). In: Castellini, Melish (Eds.) Marine mammal physiology - requisites for ocean living. Taylor & Francis, Boca Raton, pp 269-292
KILIAN M., DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE F.D. (2015). How harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) pursue schooling herring. Mammalian Biology 80(5):385-389 DOI:10.1016/j.mambio.2015.04.004
DOHMEN M., PIETRZYK U., WIESE H., RECKFORT J., HANKE F.D., ZILLES K., AMUNTS K. & AXER M. (2015). Understanding fiber mixture by simulation in 3D Polarized Light Imaging. NeuroImage 111:464-475
WEIFFEN M., MAUCK B., DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE F.D. (2014). Sensitivity of a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina) to coherent visual motion in random dot displays. SpringerPlus 3:688
GLÄSER N., MAUCK B., KANDIL F.I., LAPPE M., DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE F.D. (2014). Harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) can perceive optic flow underwater. PLoS ONE 9(7):e103555
SCHOLTYSSEK C., KELBER A., HANKE F. D. & DEHNHARDT G. (2013). Same different concept formation in a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). Animal Cognition 16(6):915-925
HANKE F. D., MIERSCH L., WARRANT E., MITSCHKE F. D. & DEHNHARDT G. (2013). Are harbour seals (Phoca vitulina) able to perceive and use polarised light? Journal of Comparative Physiology A 199: 509-519
ERDSACK N., HANKE F. D., DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE W. (2012). Control and amount of heat dissipation through thermal windows in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Journal of Thermal Biology 37 (7): 537–544
CZECH-DAMAL N., LIEBSCHNER A., MIERSCH L., KLAUER G., HANKE F. D., MARSHALL C., DEHNHARDT G. & HANKE W. (2012). Electroreception in the Guiana dolphin (Sotalia guianensis). Proceedings of the Royal Society B - Biological Sciences 279: 663-668
MIERSCH L., HANKE W., WIESKOTTEN S., HANKE F. D., OEFFNER J., LEDER A., BREDE M., WITTE M. & DEHNHARDT G. (2011). Flow sensing by pinniped whiskers. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B 366: 3077-3084
HANKE F. D., SCHOLTYSSEK C., HANKE W. & DEHNHARDT G. (2011). Contrast sensitivity in a harbor seal (Phoca vitulina). Journal of Comparative Physiology A 197(2): 203-210
HANKE W., WITTE M., MIERSCH L., BREDE M., OEFFNER J., MICHAEL M., HANKE F. D., LEDER A. & DEHNHARDT G. (2010). Harbor seal vibrissae morphology suppresses vortex-induced vibrations. The Journal of Experimental Biology 213: 2665-2672
HANKE F. D., HANKE W., SCHOLTYSSEK C. & DEHNHARDT G. (2009). Basic mechanisms in pinniped vision. Experimental Brain Research 199(3): 299-311
HANKE F. D., PEICHL L. & DEHNHARDT G. (2009). Retinal ganglion cell topography in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Brain Behavior and Evolution 74: 102-109
HANKE F. D. & DEHNHARDT G. (2009). Aerial visual acuity in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina) as a function of ambient luminance. The Journal of Comparative Physiology A 195(7): 643-650
HANKE F. D., KRÖGER R. H. H., SIEBERT U. & DEHNHARDT G. (2008). Multifocal lenses in a monochromat: the harbour seal. The Journal of Experimental Biology 211: 3315-3322
Inside JEB: Multifocal lenses could help seals see underwater
HANKE F. D., HANKE W., HOFFMANN K.-P. & DEHNHARDT G. (2008). Optokinetic nystagmus in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Vision Research 48: 304-315
HANKE F. D., DEHNHARDT G., SCHAEFFEL F. & HANKE W. (2006). Corneal topography, refractive state, and accommodation in harbor seals (Phoca vitulina). Vision Research 46: 837-847